Welcome to Finding a Life That Works
Let’s explore what a life that works is all about
Hi, I’m Gregg Fetter, if you’ve ever asked yourself any of the following questions, you are in the right place.
- Does God exist?
- Is God mad at me?
- Will I go to heaven?
- Can I trust the Bible?
- How do I know what’s true?
- How can I stop worrying?
- Why am I so fearful?
- Is it possible to really change?
- What is God’s purpose for my life?
- What are my personal gifts?
- Can I make a living doing what I love?
You’re in the right place because Finding a Life That Works specializes in answering hard to answer questions in an easy to understand way. Here’s what a few people have said about my material:
Gregg, this is an amazing article. Practical, simple and inspiring. As you continue to give of yourself to others, may God water and refresh you.
Simple, profound and exciting. Thank you for using your gifts to encourage others.
What can I say! Wow, it’s mind blowing. Can’t wait to start after many years of being dormant in my walk with Christ.
Thank you for your well-written article. It is inspiring and has helped me on this journey. I am excited about the way forward. God bless.
igf campbell
Thank you for this amazing teaching, God bless you.
I am so blessed by your numerous articles on Biblical insights for Christian living.
This was on point and well said. Your writings are so interesting and make me even more hungry for the word.
Excellent and so true Gregg! Also very well put in your easy to understand style of writing!
Thank you for tending the Lord’s sheep! I enjoyed being at your site today and hearing the truth.
a gentle iconoclast
Thanks Gregg for this eye opening article. May the living God continue to reveal more to share with the world. Wish all believers knew about your website.
“Easy to understand” all came about when my interest in the Bible collided with my duties as an American Airlines Inflight Procedures Analyst. That job required that I reduce complicated operational procedures into reports that people could understand. Now I take those same skills and help people understand how God wants to make their lives work.
One example is a book I’ve written called Truth Based Thinking. Truth Based Thinking helps you find truth, then use that truth to guide your life. In order for a carpenter to build a door frame that’s straight, he needs a plumb line. In the same way, in order to build a life that works, you need truth!
All truth in Truth Based Thinking is obtained from an objective point of view.
So go ahead, get your free copy by clicking on the link below.
God Bless,
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